Our lead cardiologist: Dr. A. Shekhar Pandey B.Sc (CL), MD, FRCPC ABIM, CBNC

Dr. A. Shekhar Pandey is the lead cardiologist and founder of Cambridge Cardiac Care. He is presently a Staff Cardiologist at Cambridge Memorial Hospital and is a Cath’ing Cardiologist at St. Mary’s Hospital in Kitchener, ON. Professionally, his great passion is bridging the world of research and clinical practice, ensuring that science is applied to the real-world problems that cardiac patients live with and that he sees everyday in his practice. As an Assistant Clinical Professor (Adjunct) in the Department of Medicine at McMaster University, Dr. Pandey is heavily invested in the education of a future generation of cardiologists and clinicians. He is the father of 3 boys who are the true joy & passion of his life. Growing up in Cape Breton, NS, he went on to complete his BSc at Dalhousie University and MD at the University of Toronto. He currently has appointments with the Ontario Drug Benefit Formulary and the Waterloo-Wellington Regional Cardiac Care Committee. He is the founder of the P.R.E.V.E.N.T. Clinic, a multi-disciplinary, cardiac rehabilitation & risk-reversal clinic focused on lifestyle optimization. Included among his numerous awards and scholarships is the Rhodes Fellowship for Young Investigators with the International Society of Heart Research. Since 1987 he has authored over 30 publications and abstracts in such diverse areas as organic mercury toxicity, endothelin blockade, Congestive Heart Failure Hyperlipidemia management.